Genital Warts Treatments / Male HPV in Newport Beach

Many emotions can come up when dealing with an STD: fear, anger, denial, embarrassment, and more. Your first priority should be seeking proper and complete treatment! Dr. Lauber’s goal is to trat your HPV as quickly and discretely as possible. With over 35 years of experience in treating male HPV, he knows what he is doing!

Rest assured, when working with Advanced Skin treatment of OC, your treatment is 100% private. Your medical records are also 100% private and will never be shared with anyone.

The reality is that HPV can cause cancer and everyone that the infected person is with sexually, must be adequately evaluated, managed, and treated so that there is no re-infection and no back and forth transmission of the virus. I know it is difficult, but honesty is the best policy here- especially when there is a risk of cancer.

Why Choose Advanced Skin Treatment Center?

Don’t let Genital warts interfere with your life. Dr. Lauber at Advanced Skin Treatment Center is a Dermatologist that specializes in the diagnosis and cure of genital warts with the most state of the art equipment and therapies.

If you have or suspect  you have genital warts don’t wait another day to pursue the treatments necessary to improve your condition and prevent it from spreading to others through sexual contact.

When You Come to Advanced Skin Treatment Center You will Receive:

1) Proven outcomes

2) Proven track record

3) Comfort and guaranteed patient satisfaction

4) Knowledgeable friendly staff


6) NO Consultation fee

7) American trained Medical Doctor



10) OVER 35 years experience in the same location



Get Proper and Correct Treatment

Please do not EVER attempt a home remedy or purchase a treatment over the internet. Things like apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, Force of nature, Dr. Scholls wart treatment both patch and freezing modality are not going to work ever!

As a matter of fact– all they do is cause extreme inflammation or burn in the area affected and you risk making the warts larger in size and greater in number due to the extra blood flow brought to the area after topical application of these amateur products.

In addition, because these techniques do not allow for your warts to be analyzed under a microscope by a pathologist, you are risking treating a cancerous strain of HPV and spreading the cancer. Based on data from 2006 to 2010, about 33,200 HPV-associated cancers occur in the United States each year: about 20,600 among females, and about 12,600 among males. Which brings up the most important point of this whole discussion: various medical professionals with no formal medical training in Dermatology and Venereal diseases use techniques like Liquid Nitrogen, and Laser modalities in attempt to cure your warts. These are just as dangerous as home remedies because there is no specimen generated to be sent to a specialty lab and check for cancer.

Genital Warts are among the most prevalent sexually transmitted diseases, but people lack the right information to help prevent or treat this condition. Clear, correct, updated information regarding human papillomavirus (HPV) and genital warts is difficult to find. The result is that a lot of myths and misconceptions regarding genital warts abound. In some cases, these mistaken beliefs may even do harm. Inaccurate information may have several physical and emotional ramifications on the sufferer. For instance, he/she may suffer from severe anxiety over his/her condition, doubt the faithfulness of his/her partner, undergo an expensive and painful treatment that could otherwise have been avoided, or worst of all, neglect having his/her condition treated and risk his/her health.

man in newport beach suffering from genital warts


Interesting Genital Wart Facts

1) It is estimated that each minute in the US– there is a new case of genital warts

2) About 2 out of 3 people will get genital warts after having any kind of genital contact with someone infected

3) You don’t have to have sex to get genital warts

4) Condoms don’t fully protect against HPV infection

5) 8 out of 10 women will get HPV in their lifetime

6) in a Study of female college students, 60% of them were found to be infected with HPV by the end of 3 years

7) there will be 6.2 million new cases of HPV in the US this year alone

8) About 30 types of HPV affect the genital area

9) There are about 1 million new cases of genital warts each year in the United States

10) There are over 20 million American with HPV

11) Genital warts are one of the most common STDs around and are transmitted via the human papillomavirus (HPV).

12) Genital warts can be too small to be seen by the naked eye and should be diagnosed by a doctor

13) Genital Warts can appear on the penis, the scrotum, urethra, around the anus and the area between the penis and anus, along with on the thighs

14) Genital warts also can develop in your mouth or throat if you have oral sex with an infected person


 Call Dr. Lauber for quick and private HPV treatment today.